Chaotic Moon Studios, a creative technology studio in Austin, awed South By Southwest Interactive Festival attendees with their futuristic fitness application, FitCoin. While other fitness trackers only calculate, Chaotic Moon's FitCoin motivates, with cash. The app measures the length and intensity of a workout and converts it to CPU time on a bitcoin mining rig. The more users workout, the more digital currency they mine. Get fit, get rich, or die mining. "This concept combines two of our specialties: looking good and making money," said Chaotic Moon CEO, Ben Lamm. "We're always trying to turn existing habits into new opportunities to make money—this one was an obvious fit." FitCoin syncs with a user's fitness tracker to log vital variables from a workout: including duration, intensity, and distance. Chaotic Moon's proprietary algorithm then determines the amount of bitcoins earned during each session. FITCOIN- I WORK OUT! "At ...