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Showing posts from February 3, 2015


CRYPO GOES FROM SHAKY UNSURE ADOLECENT INTO A REFINED CONFIDENT YOUNG ADULT BITCOIN' GETTING A LITTLE BIT OF OVER DUE VALIDITY AND RECOGNISION IN THE COMMERNCE WORLD AS OF TODAY With the announcment of Bitpay’s integration with the P.O.S OR POINT OF SALE handling company Adyen, it means now that Facebook, Spotify, and Airbnb are among a list of thousands of merchants who may accept Bitcoin after Bitpay’s integration with the giant payment processor. Adyen has announced the integration of popular Bitcoin processing platform BitPay into its checkout services. Merchants using Ayden's services will now be able to accept Bitcoin through a single preference check without any further modification of their own site's back-end. Making the announcement early on February 3 to the International Business Times, BitPay will be hoping to see conversions among some of Adyen's 3,500 merchants globally including, Groupon, Evernote, Facebook, Spotify, Uber, Vodafone...

I won a jackpot today at freeblackcoingames!

Free blackcoins at  freeblackcoingames I hit jackpot today and you can do it to! i have the worst luck in the world it seems sometimes so if i can get lucky, i know you can too!  look at the crystal clear proof right below! BIG WINNING WHEN I HIT JACKPOT AT   freeblackcoingames Here is the F.A.Q. from the site to help you understand a bit more about the site directly from the site itself. freeblackcoingames And these are the GAMES!!!  Snake - 3 game every 30 mins  classic snake game-control a dot moving around a playfield with the objective to consume the numbers which appear on the game field starting at 1 and building up as you advance and consume them which also causes you to grow at the rate of one segment per number and eventually you start to outgrow your surroundings and it becomes a matter of planning around your own movements so you don't bite yourself. Also dont hit a wall but that's pretty ba...